Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What are you afraid of??

Well....nothing. nothing at all 🤔 ok maybe nothing. I have started a few post confidently. But the thought of putting myself out there and the fear of being incorrectly judged is terrifying. Now don't get it wrong I don't mind being judged at all. As long as I'm being seen truthfully and not projected upon by the judge. I also don't mind hearing others points of view on myself. I constantly try to look at things from all side. Because I know sometimes we only see what we want. As an adult someone once told me I was mean to them in high school. I WAS MORTIFIED! As a youngin I always thought I was too nice and when I was about 15 I decided that was enough. Mostly bc the assumption by bullies is that if you're​ nice (and wear glasses) you're an easy target. Ha wrong! I was defending myself and my friends. I was always in defense mode. So of course as an adult, it sucks to know that you might have been a mean girl, unknowingly! 😖 I always saw myself as a vigilantly. A bully ass kicker. A defender. Sooooo.....is it fear of being misjudged.....I see myself as a good person no doubt at all. But what if someone sees me as fill-in-the-blank and has no desire to Really understand me. stupid flip flopping confidence....I know we all feel a certain duality in ourselves. Like you get dressed in the morning and look the mirror like Yas bitch slay! Then you step outside and ok bitch put a sweater on. And that's ok! Right? Right. Im on a path to be ok with myself always at all stages. Sooooo.....those drafts will be posted. Also...this is how my blog will go. Random as fuck and completely unplanned. Very rambly. Very very rambly!
Oh and typos. Yep.